Do Private Health Insurance Plans Cover Mental Health Services?

Under the Affordable Care Act, all plans purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace must cover 10 essential health benefits, including mental health services and services for substance use disorders. Despite this, many people still struggle to cover the high costs associated with mental health treatment. Before 1996, there were no national laws in the United States that regulated behavioral health coverage in the private insurance market. Employers often have more limited networks of mental health service providers than other types of health care.

An HSA (Health Savings Account) is one of the best ways to save on treatment if you don't have adequate mental health insurance coverage. Research suggests that the costs and factors associated with transitioning from pediatric to adult health care may be related to limited mental health treatment among young adults who need care. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) was passed in 2008 to ensure that insurance companies cover mental and physical health problems equally. This act reaffirmed the requirements of the MHPA and expanded these guidelines to apply them to both substance use disorders and mental health services, while instituting more comprehensive guidelines to promote behavioral health parity. The behavioral health care model prioritizes acute crisis response and short-term solutions to complex behavioral health needs. People with a regular source of care can receive mental health treatment directly or through referrals to specialized mental health treatment inside or outside their usual source of care.

However, due in part to the problems described above, many behavioral health care providers refuse to accept public or private insurance; insurers make it difficult for patients and providers to demonstrate the medical need for services; and the shortage of mental health providers leaves many people without access to care. If you're looking for a mental health provider who accepts your insurance, most insurance companies will have a list of network providers available online, or you can call your insurance company and ask them to send you a list. You should also visit each provider's website to find out if they accept your health insurance or not. In conclusion, while federal laws require insurance companies to cover mental and physical health problems equally, profound disparities persist between the two. It's important to research your options when it comes to finding a mental health provider who accepts your insurance, as this can make a huge difference in terms of cost.

Tommy Gair
Tommy Gair

Unapologetic pizza maven. Freelance introvert. Unapologetic internet geek. Avid bacon ninja. Friendly music practitioner. Typical twitter expert.